Sustainable Supply Policy

Sustainable Supply Policy

Sustainable Supply Policy

Metyx Group (Telateks Textile Products Ind. And Tic. Co. Ltd., Telateks Foreign Trade and Composite Ind. Co. Ltd., Metyx Hungary Kft., Metyx USA Inc.) commits to preserving compliance, honesty, and ethical conduct principles. The purpose of this policy is to describe the standards and fundamental principles that Metyx Group observes in its relationships. Through the implementation of this policy in its relationships, Metyx Group aims to be responsible in the supply process, behave in line with quality and business execution objectives, and aim for sustainable supply chain management.


We expect our suppliers to work in accordance with the guidelines stated in this policy and to act in compliance with all laws and regulations relevant to their activities in all countries where they operate. As METYX Group, we consider these principles in our supplier selection, evaluation, and audits.

We expect our suppliers to:

  • Not employ child labor below the minimum working age defined under Article 138 of the International Labour Organization Convention,
  • Not engage in forced or compulsory labor,
  • Not employ individuals without any job security,
  • Not discriminate based on race, ethnic origin, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, color, religion, country of birth, marital status, pregnancy, dependents, age, position, disability, social class, union membership, or political views,
  • Uphold human rights and operate with a business approach that respects human dignity,
  • Not accept any form of physical abuse, sexual, verbal, or physical harassment and intimidation in the workplace,
  • Behave fairly in all business relationships in accordance with basic moral and humane values,
  • Remunerate their employees at least with the minimum wage, ensuring that all benefits comply with the rules set by laws and regulations, and that payments are made regularly and on time,
  • Ensure that their employees are provided with holidays and leave days in accordance with laws and regulations, and that working hours comply with regulations,
  • Respect their employees’ rights to join, be members of, represent, and participate in worker unions and worker councils as defined by local laws,
  • Adhere to occupational health and safety rules in the workplace, take all necessary precautions, and provide regular occupational health and safety training to their employees,
  • Comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and legislation related to the environment,
  • Not accept or offer unlawful payments, donations, bribes, gifts, or other inappropriate benefits in their commercial transactions,
  • Respect METYX intellectual property rights and inform us if they become aware of any threat and/or infringement of these rights, collaborating with METYX to prevent and/or end any potential infringement,
  • Warn the parties and ensure compliance with confidentiality obligations if they are required to disclose confidential information to their employees, workers, and consultants in the course of their work.

We expect and commit to our cooperation on these matters.

Uğur Üstünel – CEO


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